
Frequently Asked Questions

Remote work refers to working from home or any other location, such as a cafe, co-working space, etc., outside the company's physical office, using digital communication tools.
The department responsible for managing employee-related tasks such as recruitment, training, benefits, and compliance is called HR, or human resources.
Work culture refers to the ideals, beliefs, and practices that form the social and psychological environment of a workplace. Employee happiness and productivity might be boosted by up to 20% due to favourable and supportive work culture.
Social networking, in-depth virtual interviews, targeting specific online remote job platforms, and offering competitive benefits are effective recruitment strategies for remote jobs. An effective recruitment strategy can reduce hiring time by up to half.
Some of the top HR books for managing remote teams are "Remote: Office Not Required" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson and "Virtual Culture" by Byran Miles.